These devices can be mounted on a player’s wrist and fit a phone inside. In addition to Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition, Bethesda is also releasing a limited supply of new Pip-Boys. Larger DLC packs include a trip up to Maine in Far Harbor and Nuka-World, the carbonated theme park-inspired expansion pack. The DLC packs released for Fallout 4 include small additions like Vault-Tec Workshop, Contraptions Workshop, Wasteland Workshop and Automatron. 26, Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition will include all previously-released DLC packs, gameplay updates like Survival Mode and the ability to download and install mods for free on both PC and console. Did you miss out on your chance to get one of those fancy Pip-Boy cases when Fallout 4 first released? Now’s the time to snag one again with the release of Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition.